
pytorch implementation of "Contrastive Multiview Coding", "Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning", and "Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-Parametric Instance-level Discrimination"

Primary LanguagePython

Expand the implementation of this paper:

  • CMC: Contrastive Multiview Coding (Paper)

News I have changed the way I add corruption. Now corruption is added in transform for datasets. You can use train_CMC_beta.py to implement it(I have changed the version in script.sh and etc).


This repo was tested with Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, Python 3.5, PyTorch 0.4.0, and CUDA 9.0. But it should be runnable with recent PyTorch versions >=0.4.0

Note: It seems to us that training with Pytorch version >= 1.0 yields slightly worse results. If you find the similar discrepancy and figure out the problem, please report this since we are trying to fix it as well.

The environment has been equipped in cmc on dqwang@cthulhu1.ist.berkeley.edu

One can use "conda activate cmc" to use

The location of code is in ~/stliu/dynamic_cmc

Data Location

~/stliu/data/myCIFAR-10-C: the dataroot

~/stliu/data/myCIFAR-10-C/CIFAR-10-C-trainval: data created by dequan

~/stliu/data/myCIFAR-10-C/CIFAR-10-C-trainval/cifar-10-batches-py: the data datasets.CIFAR10 will use

Training ResNets(of ttt) with CMC on Cifar

Run script.sh to train cmc


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_CMC.py --model resnet_ttt --batch_size 128 --num_workers 24 \
 --feat_dim 64 \
 --data_folder ../data/myCIFAR-10-C/ \
 --model_path ./results/model/ \
 --tb_path ./results/tb/ \
 --view contrast --level 5

Change view and level to change the data augmentation of cmc model.

Change view to Lab for CMC baseline (the level is not important when you use this)

--model_path and --tb_path is the location to save model and tensor board

Choose resent_ttt for --model to use the same ResNet as TTT.

Training Linear Classifier

Run script_lc.sh to train the linear classifier


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python LinearProbing.py --dataset cifar \
 --num_workers 9 \
 --data_folder ../data/myCIFAR-10-C/ \
 --save_path ./results/temp/model_lc/ \
 --tb_path ./results/temp/tb_lc/ \
 --model_path ./results/neo/model/memory_nce_16384_resnet_ttt_lr_0.03_decay_0.0001_bsz_128_view_gaussian_noise_level_5/ckpt_epoch_240.pth \
 --model resnet_ttt --learning_rate 30 --layer 6 \
 --view gaussian_noise --level 5

--model_path is the location of the model (trained from script.sh) you want to use.

--learning_rate is set to 30, as required by the author.

--view and --level should be corresponding to the model you use (--model_path)