
ScalaCL - run Scala on your GPU!

Primary LanguageScala

ScalaCL... v3 (yeah, yet another rewrite from scratch FTW!)

NOT FUNCTIONAL YET, WORK IN PROGRESS (see ScalaCL if you want something that works, albeit only on Scala 2.9.x).

Features of the new design:

  • Much better asynchronicity support (now requires OpenCL 1.1), and much better performance in general
  • Support for captures of constants and OpenCL arrays
  • Support for lazy clones for fast zipping
  • Kernels are now fully specialized on static types and generated at compile-time (allows much faster startup and caching at runtime)
  • ScalaCL Collections no longer fit in regular Scala Collections, to avoid silent data transfers / conversions when using unaccelerated methods (syntax stays the same, though)
  • No more CLRange: expecting compiler to do its job


  • Finish Scalaxy/Reified integration (started under CLFunc / CLFuncUtils)
  • Add more tests: DataIO, CodeConversion, scheduling, uniqueness / caching of kernels
  • Implement more DataIO[T], support case classes as tuples
  • Catch up with compiler plugin:
    • Auto-vectorization
      • 1D works
      • Add 2D
      • add filters
    • Import Scalaxy streams, make them work with scala.reflection.api.Universe
  • Plug some v2 runtime code back (filtered array compaction, reduceSymmetric, parallel sums...)
  • Benchmarks!
  • Wanna help? Ping the NativeLibs4Java mailing-list!


scalaVersion := "2.10.3"

libraryDependencies += "com.nativelibs4java" %% "scalacl" % "0.3-SNAPSHOT"

// Avoid sbt-related macro classpath issues.
fork := true

// Scalaxy/Reified snapshots are published on the Sonatype repository.
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")


The following will eventually work:

import scalacl._

case class Matrix(data: CLArray[Float], rows: Int, columns: Int)(implicit context: Context) {
  def this(rows: Int, columns: Int) =
    this(new CLArray[Float](rows * columns), rows, columns)
  def this(n: Int) =
    this(n, n)
  def putProduct(a: Matrix, b: Matrix): Unit = {
    assert(a.columns == b.rows)
    assert(a.rows == rows)
    assert(b.columns == columns)
    kernel {
      // This block will either be converted to an OpenCL kernel or cause compilation error
  for (i <- 0 until rows; j <- 0 until columns) {
    data(i * columns + j) = (0 until a.columns).map(k => {
      a.data(i * a.columns + k) * b.data(k * b.columns + j)
  def putSum(a: Matrix, b: Matrix): Unit = {
    assert(a.columns == b.columns && a.columns == columns)
    assert(a.rows == b.rows && a.rows == rows)
    kernel {
      for (i <- 0 until rows; j <- 0 until columns) {
      	val offset = i * columns + j
    data(offset) = a.data(offset) + b.data(offset)
implicit val context = Context.best

val n = 10
val a = new Matrix(n)
val b = new Matrix(n)
val out = new Matrix(n)

out.putProduct(a, b)
