

  • [iFCN, CVPR2016] Deep Interactive Object Selection. [Paper]
    Key points: first deep-learning-based method, Euclidean distant maps, sampling strategies, refinement by graph cut


  • [RIS-Net, ICCV2017] Regional Interactive Image Segmentation Networks. [Paper]
    Key points: local regional refinement, ROIs sampling, the combination of the global context and local regional segmentation, click discounting factor for training

  • [BMVC2017] Deep GrabCut for Object Selection. [Paper][Reimplementation in Pytorch]
    Key points: transform the loosely-played rectangle as a Euclidean distance map, convolutional encoder-decoder network


  • [DEXTR, CVPR2018] Deep Extreme Cut: From Extreme Points to Object Segmentation. [Paper][Pytorch]
    Key points: exploit extreme points(left-most, right-most, top, bottom pixels), extensive experiemnts on four tasks

  • [CVPR2018] Interactive Image Segmentation with Latent Diversity. [Paper][Tensorflow]
    Key points: multi-modality exploration, plausible segmentations, selection network

  • [ITIS, BMVC2018] Iteratively Trained Interactive Segmentation. [Paper][Tensoflow]
    Key points: iterative training strategy


  • [BRS, CVPR2019] Interactive Image Segmentation via Backpropagating Refinement Scheme. [Paper][Caffe]
    Key points: backpropagating refinement scheme in the test phase to enforce user-specified locations to have correct labels, small adjustments in interaction maps

  • [CVPR2019] Content-Aware Multi-Level Guidance for Interactive Instance Segmentation. [Paper]
    Key points: superpixel-based guidance map rather than distant/gaussian map


  • [f-BRS, CVPR2020] f-BRS: Rethinking Backpropagating Refinement for Interactive Segmentation. [Paper][Pytorch] Key points: based on BRS, auxiliary variables acting on features are involed, only a small part of network are passed to accelerate

  • [IOG, CVPR2020] Interactive Object Segmentation with Inside-Outside Guidance. [Paper][Code]
    Key points: inside-outside-guidance(click three points), extensive experiments on different datasets and domains

  • [FCA-Net, CVPR2020] Interactive Image Segmentation With First Click Attention. [Paper][Pytorch]
    Key points: first click attention, click loss(weighted binary cross entropy), structural integrity strategy

  • [arXiv2020] Getting to 99% Accuracy in Interactive Segmentation. [Paper][Pytorch]
    Key points: leverage each user interaction, click by click training regime, very high IoU discussions (up to 99%), image/interaction stream design


  • User interactive ways:
    bounding box, clicks(object/background points, extreme points, inside/outside points), contours

  • Click embedding ways:
    distant map, gaussian map, guidance map(combined with superpixel segmentation)

  • Archietecure:
    Encoder: VGG16, ResNet-34/50/101, U-Net, Denset
    Decoder: Deeplab-v2/v3+/LargeFOV, U-Net

  • Post-processing
    graph-cuts, CRF, backpropagating refinement, guided filter layer