
Tic Tac Toe Game with Future Support For (Most Likely) Neural Network AI System ..

Primary LanguageJava


Tic Tac Toe Game with Future Support For (Most Likely) Neural Network AI System ..

Futures ->
Checks for Horizontal / Vertical / Diagonal / Anti-Diagonal Wins
Checks for Ties ...
Auto Game Resseting while Keeping Stats .
Checks if Grid is Occupied Before Drawing .
Console numerical Visualization for Debugging .

Cons ->
Player Turns Change Every Game For Some Reason ... will be fixed in next update..
~~Java Concurrent Modification Errors which may lead to non-Painting Correctlly .. will be fixed in future updates.. ~~

Proggress ...
Main/Core Game 10/10 100%
Algorithm 1/10 10%
Neural Network AI 0/10 0%