
Maintain the latest release, latest major release and all releases GitHub links in the README.md.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Latest Release: v1.1.1, Latest Major Release: v1.0.0, All Releases


Maintain the latest release, latest major release and all releases GitHub links in the README.md.


npm install --save-dev readme-releases
  • Add the line to the README.md:
Latest Release: ..., Latest Major Release: ..., [All Releases](...)
  • Add the version hook to the package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "version": "npx readme-releases && git add README.md"


  1. Everytime you npm version the links in the README.md will be updated

  2. Use git push --follow-tags to push the changes for the new version together with the created git tag

  3. Open the link of the latest release (macOS: cmd + double-click on the link in the console output) and add a description to it


Found a bug or missing a feature? -> Create a new Issue

Having questions, want to give feedback or talk to me? -> E-Mail me readme-releases@sharaal.de