
Unable to unpickle .pkl file

lurock12 opened this issue · 3 comments

I am relatively new to the field of computer vision, so this may be a beginner's question:
After running your code it outputs a .pkl file. I was not able to unpickle it.
I was assuming to get a .ply file to view the model in SIBR or similar.
How can I access the .ply file?

Thanks in advance.

Did you ever find out how to do it?

If you look into the file, there are the lines that save the finished set. If you find the ones with .compressed on with ctrl f there are lines above or below with # . remove the # and from them then add the # to the lines that say compressed. when you next run it saves as a .ply file

instead of scene.save_best.compressed()
it would be scene.save_best() -> i assume removing the # is what you are meant to do, i just removed any compressed arguments from them, there are some other commented lines that I am not sure of the purpose like:

  • best_state_dict = gaussians.capture_best_state()

  • gaussians.restore_best_state(best_state_dict, opt)

i didnt uncomment these, just removed the .compressed from the others

The .pkl file encodes the latents in a compressed format which is decoded via the function call in line 98 of scene/, defined in line 430 of scene/
The ply file can additionally be saved via the --save_ply argument during training which can be used for visualizing the point cloud on SIBR Viewer. Note that the point cloud in ply format will remain uncompressed.