
This repository contains all code for a website and associated chatbot I built. The chatbot is made using Rasa, an open-source machine learning framework for conversational AI. To use the Rasa chatbot on the website, a widget is used from this Github repository.

There are 3 things which need to be run in a command prompt in order to view the website and associated chatbot in a web browser:

  • Rasa models
  • Rasa action server
  • Flask server.

TO DO: make a requirements.txt file. Includes openpyxl, pandas, flask, babel, ...

To run

Clone the repository in a local directory. Create a virtual environment inside this local directory (on Windows, this can be done by typing python -m venv env).

To run the Rasa models, do the following in a command prompt window:

  • activate the virtual environment (on Windows, this is done by typing env\Scripts\activate from the local directory)
  • cd rasa
  • rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" --debug

To run the Rasa action server, do the following in another command prompt window:

  • activate the virtual environment
  • cd rasa
  • rasa run actions

To run the Flask server from this local directory, do the following in another command prompt window:

  • activate the virtual environment from the local directory
  • python app.py

The website can then be viewed in a web browser at localhost:5000.