
personal website

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Edit Theme

I made everything as easy as possible to edit. Most things can be found in the _config.yml, but if more editing is required digging through the code will be required. The head.html file is in the _includes folder and the Sass variables are found in the _base.scss file in the _sass folder.


Site Settings

baseurl: ""
paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/blog/page-:num"
google_analytics: UA—XXXXXXXX-X
  • email - Your email for the contact card and the footer
  • baseurl - Path of blog if adding this on to another website
  • paginate - Number of blog posts per page
  • paginate_path - URL structure of paginated pages
  • google_analytics - Option field to replace with correct Google Analytics code

SEO Settings

url: ""
  • title - Title of blog
  • description - Description of blog (recommended to not go over 160 characters)
  • url - URL of main website
  • twitter_username - Twitter username
  • default_img - Image that will appear when posting links on social networks

Profile Settings

  • name - Full name for SEO purposes
  • profile_img - Image for the profile card (size to 2000x1200px)
  • profile - Short description that will be in the profile card
  • social - List of social networks for icons in the contact card and the footer (Font Awesome is used, so only match the name of the icon, but do not include fa-)

Build Settings

include: ["_categories_"]
exclude: []
permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/
  • include - Folders that are not automatically included in Jekyll
  • exclude - Folders that are excluded from _site_
  • permalink - URL structure of blog posts


layout: post
title: ""

This is the YAML front matter block for blog posts.

  • layout - This field will always be post
  • title - The title of the blog post
  • date - The date that will appear on the blog post
  • categories - Optional field that can be entered as an array or a list
  • description - Optional field for SEO (recommended to not go over 160 characters)
  • image - The blog theme was designed for 2000x1200px images (optimize your images because this is a picture heavy theme)
  • image-sm - Optional field for card layouts for image optimization and page speed (designed for 500x300px images)


layout: default
title: New Category
permalink: /category/new-category/
{% include category.html %}

Jekyll does not have anything built in for categories, so I made making new categories as simple as possible.

  • layout - This field will always be default
  • title - Name of the category
  • description - Optional field for SEO (recommended to not go over 160 characters)
  • permalink - URL for the category


Trophy is licensed under the MIT License.