If you are using the Intellij IDE it's not necessary to have maven installed on your local machine. You can press the Ctrl key twice to open the maven run window. Inside this window you can run the maven commands.
mvn clean package
This compiles all files, runs tests and, if they succeed, compiles the jar. The compiled jar (ASAPHub.jar) will be in your target/ folder.
This is needed in case you want to build the jar while your tests fail (which need some time for execution
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Run all testcases to perform a healthcheck:
mvn test
The ASAPJava dependency is installed in the local maven repository which is located at local_mvn_repository
Maven resolves the ASAPJava dependency using this local repository. If you are using the Intellij IDE it's not necessary
to have maven installed on your local machine. You can press the Ctrl key twice to open the maven run window.
Here you can paste the mentioned maven commands.
To update the ASAPJava library the following steps are necessary:
- replace
by a newer release - install new jar to the local maven repository
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=libs/ASAPJava.jar \
-DgroupId=net.sharksystem \
-DartifactId=asapjava \
-Dversion=<<insert_version>> \
-Dpackaging=jar \
-DgeneratePom=true \
-DlocalRepositoryPath=local_mvn_repo \
- update the version number of ASAPJava dependency inside the
- sync local repository with the .m2 repository of your machine
mvn clean install -U -DskipTests
- commit changes in
docker build -t asaphub:latest .
docker run --rm --net=host --name hub asaphub:latest
Visit the wiki for all other information on what ASAP is and how to use it.