
SLIDY – simple, configurable carousel component built with SvelteJS.

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

SLIDY – simple, configurable & reusable carousel component built with SvelteJS.

NPM version NPM downloads npm bundle size (minified + gzip)







npm i -D svelte-slidy


yarn add -D svelte-slidy


By default setiings looks like:

    import Slidy from 'svelte-slidy' // import component

    const local = [
        { id: 1, src: 'img/img.webp' },
    ]; // slides items

    $: slidy_default = { // any name you like
        slides: local, // new name "slides" for arr yours slides elements in 2.0
        wrap: {
            id: 'slidy_default', // customize this instance Slidy by #id
            width: '100%',
            height: '50%',
            padding: '0',
            align: 'middle',
            alignmargin: 50
        slide: {
            gap: 0,
            class: '', // classname for styling slide
            width: '50%',
            height: '100%',
            backimg: true, // if true image on background slidewrap & slot for content empty
            imgsrckey: 'src', // prop for ypurs image src key
            objectfit: 'cover', // new in 2.3.0
            overflow: 'hidden' // new in 2.4.1
        controls: {
            dots: true,
            dotsnum: true,
            dotsarrow: true,
            dotspure: false, // dotnav like realy dots :)
            arrows: true,
            keys: true, // nav by arrow keys
            drag: true, // nav by mousedrag
            wheel: true, // nav by mousewheel (shift + wheel) or swipe on touch/trackpads
        options: {
            axis: 'x', // new in 2.2.0 axis direction
            loop: false, // new in 2.3.0 loop/no options
            duration: 550, // duration slides animation
        loader: { // new in 2.0 settings for preloader spinner
            color: 'red',
            size: 75,
            speed: duration,
            thickness: 1,
    } // slidy settings for current instance

<Slidy {...slidy_default} bind:index let:item /> <!-- bind:index new prop in 2.0 for external controls & let:item new name for prop to eached elements -->

!MPORTANT – you need declared all the settings objects for each instance of Slidy.

Customize slide skin


You can use any tags what you want inside Slidy component for {#each it} by let:item derective:

    import Slidy from 'svelte-slidy'

    const local = [
            id: 1,
            src: 'img/img.webp',
            header: 'What is Slidy?',
            text: 'SLIDY – simple configurable carousel component on SvelteJS.' },
    ]; // items with text & header

    $: slidy_cards = {
        slides: local,

<Slidy {...slidy_cards} let:item>
    <div class="slide"> <!-- wrapper for new skin -->
        <img alt="{item.header}" src="{item.src}"/>

    .slide {
        ...yours style for slide

!MPORTANT – let:item derectives for each yours items in new skin & can be without wrappers ;).

Customize default Slidy styles

    import Slidy from 'svelte-slidy'

    $: slidy_default = {
        wrap: {
            id: 'slidy_default', // custom #id for this instance Slidy

<Slidy {...slidy_default} />

    :global(#slidy_default) {
        ... yours new styles for default

Slidy nodes tree & slots for customize

<section id="yours custom #id" class="slidy">
    <slot name="loader"> <!--for yours custom loader -->
    <ul class="slidy-ul">
                <slot {slide}> <!--for yours custom slide skin -->
    <button class="arrow-left">
        <slot name="arrow-left"> <!--for yours custom arrow-left -->
    <button class="arrow-right">
        <slot name="arrow-right"> <!--for yours custom arrow-right -->
    <ul class="slidy-dots">
        <li class="dots-arrow-left">
            <slot name="dots-arrow-left"> <!--for yours custom dots-arrow-left -->
                <slot name="dot"> <!--for yours custom dot -->
        <li class="dots-arrow-right">
            <slot name="dots-arrow-right"> <!--for yours custom dots-arrow-right -->

NEW External controls


You can controls yours Slidy instance externally from parent component:

    import Slidy from 'svelte-slidy'

    $: slidy_unic = {

    let index = 5 // declarate yours prop, if it not empty, onmount this number will be active slide

<button on:click="{() => index = 7}">Go to 7 slide</button> <!-- navigate to 7 slide -->

<Slidy {...slidy_unic} bind:index /> <!-- Just bind:index – dinamic prop for current active slide to yours prop -->

Media queries (not implemented yet, but...)

I recomended use svelte-match-media by @pearofducks.

Instal svelte-match-media

yarn add -D svelte-match-media

Default settings mediaquery:

    desktop: 'screen and (min-width: 769px)',
    mobile: 'screen and (max-width: 768px)'

Just call function setup() with default:

/* main.js */

import { setup } from 'svelte-match-media' // import setting function


or setup it in yours "root" main/howitcall.js file:

/* main.js */

import { setup } from 'svelte-match-media' // import setting function

    desktop: 'screen and (min-width: 769px)',
    tablet: 'screen and (max-width: 768px)',
    mobile: 'screen and (max-width: 425px)',
    landscape: 'only screen and (orientation:landscape)',
    portrait: 'only screen and (orientation:portrait)',
    dark: '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
    light: '(prefers-color-scheme: light)',
    no_color: '(prefers-color-scheme: no-preference)',
    standalone: '(display-mode: standalone)',
    touchscreen: '(hover: none) and (pointer: coarse)',
    pointerscreen: '(hover: hover) and (pointer: fine)',
    short: '(max-height: 399px)',
    tiny: '(orientation: portrait) and (max-height: 599px)',
    //... & all what you want ;)

& use it in Slidy settings by importing store $media:

    import Slidy from 'svelte-slidy' // import $media store from Slidy
    import { media } from 'svelte-match-media'

    $: slidy_default = {
        slide: {
            width: $media.mobile ? '100%' : '50%' // rule for $media.mobile query

<Slidy {...slidy_default} />

Also you can make responsive by CSS media-queries inside default Slidy styles – rewrite it with yours unic #ID


    import Slidy from 'svelte-slidy'

    $: slidy_unic = {
        wrap: {
            id: 'youunicid', // custom #id for this instance Slidy

<Slidy {...slidy_unic}/>

    @media screen and (max-width: 425px) {
        :global(#youunicid .svelte-slidy-ul li) {width: 100vw;}

Let`s slidyGO! ...tnx


MIT © Valexr