Expense Tracker Application


  1. Expense Recording:

    • Users can add new expenses by filling in details such as title and amount.
    • Each expense is assigned a unique identifier automatically.
  2. Data Storage:

    • The application utilizes a JSON server to store and retrieve expense data.
  3. Expense Overview:

    • The main dashboard displays a summary of total spending, individual contributions, and balance to be settled.
  4. Future Developments:

    • Planned features include month-wise data selection, login functionality, and restrictions on updating previous months.

How it Works

  1. Expense Recording:

    • Navigate to the "Add New Expense" page using the provided link.
    • Fill in the details of the expense, such as title and amount.
    • Click "Add Expense" to record the expense.
  2. Data Overview:

    • Visit the main dashboard to view a summary of total spending, individual contributions, and balances.
    • The application calculates and displays who owes money to whom.
  3. Future Features:

    • Future developments include selecting data for a specific month, login functionality, and preventing updates for previous months.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js
  • npm (Node Package Manager)

Clone the Repository

git clone <repository-url>

cd <project-folder>

Instructions to Run

  1. Setup your project:

    • npx create-react-app expense-tracker - in case you are doing on your own
    • cd expense-tracker - in case you are creating on your own
    • Install required packages:
    • npm install -g json-server
    • npm install react-router-dom
    • Create a db.json file in the root of your project with appropriate initial data. Already in the project omit this.
    • Start the JSON server using the command: json-server --watch db.json --port 3000
  2. Run the React App:

    • Ensure dependencies are installed: npm install
    • Start the React app: npm start Enter Y when prompted.
  3. Access the Application:

    • Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3001 (or the port specified by your React app).
  4. Record Expenses:

    • Navigate to the "Add New Expense" page to record new expenses.
  5. View Dashboard:

    • Go to the main dashboard to view the summary of expenses and balances.
  6. Explore Future Features:

    • Keep an eye on future updates for additional features.

Project Structure

The project follows a modular structure with components like Home, AddExpense, and App. Routing is handled using react-router-dom. The application uses Bootstrap for styling and Font Awesome for icons.

Note: Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine before running the application.