
Hologram Speed Script edited for RP server (fuel ui, seatbelt ui & fixed problems with ui)

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Hologram Speed Script edited for RP server (fuel ui and fixed problems with ui)

⚠️This is not a Seatbelt System, only a "Vehicle HUD"

Modification of HologramSpeed, code was rewriting mainly by Sinyx and Space V due to bugs where the nui was disappearing and added an NUI for fuel (it's adapted for LegacyFuel but can be change easily in the config.)

How to adapt your seatbelt script to iSpeedometer

     TriggerEvent("hologramspeed:seatbeltUpdate", true) -- put seatbelt to ON (in HUD)
     TriggerEvent("hologramspeed:seatbeltUpdate", false) -- put seatbelt to OFF (in HUD)

You can use the release /example if you don't know what are you doing

You can have support on our Discord (FR/ENG)

Capture d’écran 2022-04-26 222512


  • LegacyFuel (can be change easily from the config)