This is a FREE and open Fivem script that was created for everyone to use. The goal of this script is to create a skillcheck system inspired by Dead By Daylight's system, that doesn't use HTML canvases. Canvas can require a lot of resources from lower end PCs. This script uses JS, HTML and CSS only and utilizes progressbar.js.
Watch the demo here: YouTube
Using Git
cd resources
git clone [scripts]/k5_skillcheck
Put it in your resources directory
Add this in your server.cfg
ensure k5_skillcheck
This script doesn't work alone, it needs to be called with an export. I created an example script that uses this skillcheck system, which is shown in the demo video. You can get that script here. There are 3 difficulty levels that you can add in the function call, "easy", "normal", "hard", but it's not required. If no parameter is defined, the default difficulty is normal.
Simple usage with 3 skillchecks before success:
if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then
if exports["k5_skillcheck"]:skillCheck("easy") then
if exports["k5_skillcheck"]:skillCheck("normal") then
if exports["k5_skillcheck"]:skillCheck("normal") then
SuccessFunction() -- This is the event that happens if all 3
-- of the skillchecks succeed
FailFunction1() -- This is the event that happens if
-- the user misses the 3rd skillcheck
FailFunction2() -- This is the event that happens if
-- the user misses the 2nd skillcheck
FailFunction3() -- This is the event that happens if
-- the user misses the 1st skillcheck
You can create as many steps as you want, you just need to add more if-else statements.
Feel free to fork this repository and edit the script as much as you'd like. This script is free to use and share. If you find anyone selling this for money, please contact me.