
Config files for my GitHub profile.

const shubhamSharma = {

    name: 'Shubham Sharma',

    pronouns: 'Him',

    status: "Senior Software Quality Engineer",

    technologies: {

        programmingLanguages: ["Python", "JS", "TS", "Rust", "C#", "PowerShell", "Bash", "HTML", "CSS"],

        operatingSystems: ["Kali Linux", "Arch Linux", "QubesOS", "Whonix", "NixOS", "Dragora"],

        testingTools: ["Cypress", "Playwright", "Puppeteer", "Jest", "Cucumber", "JMeter", ,"k6", "TestCafe"],

        IDEs/editors: ["VS Codium", "Neovim", "Vim", "Copilot", "Cursor", "JetBrains AI", "Zed", "GNU Nano"],

        devOps: ["Git", "GitHub", "GitLab", "Buildkite", "Jenkins", "Terraform", "Docker", "Bamboo", "AWS"]


    learning: ["Penetration Testing", "DevSecOps", "IoT Security", "Generative AI", "Distributed Systems"],

    hobbies: ["Chess", "Badminton", "Boxing", "Yoga", "Meditation", "Audiophilia", "Indian Studies"],

    interest: ["Arthouse Cinema", "Audio Antiquing", "Vedic Metaphysics", "History", "JDM Cars", "Nutrition"],

    contact: ["shubhamsharma.emaills@gmail.com", "https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharma-it"]

const aboutMe = {

  greeting: `👋🏽 Hi there! My name is Shubham (pronounced Shoob-hum), thanks for visiting my GitHub page!`,
  about: `👨🏽‍💻 I am a Computer Science graduate and IT professional who has dedicated the last few years to
  building a career in Software Quality and Testing. I have passions for software quality, automation,
  testing, accessibility, performance, UI/UX, CI/CD, BDD, FOSS, Agile, IaC, DevOps, LLMs, scripting and
  cybersecurity. If you'd like to learn about the professional impact I have made in the Software Quality
  domain, please have a look at my LinkedIn profile.`,
  work: `🤖 I'm a big proponent of using automation and/or scripting to maximise productivity and improve
  the efficiency of one's workflow. I leverage these skills to streamline repetitive tasks, both simple
  or complex. Such as to fill in payroll hours or to automate the testing of an appication used by
  more than 1,000,000 users (I use a shell script for the former, and a Cypress-based framework for the
  interests: `💻 My next most significant IT-related passion besides Software Quality, lies in the field
  of cybersecurity. I majored in cybersecurity for my Computer Science degree and am an avid InfoSec and
  OpSec enthusiast. I have developed multiple FOSS cybersecurity-related projects(that you can find here)
  such as a password generator, password strength checker and an all-in-one script that employs multiple
  types of penetration tests onto a target website. I'm excited to build more tools such as a MAC address
  changer, network scanner, ARP/DNS spoofer, packet sniffer and more.`,
  conclusion: `🤝 I really appreciate it if you've made it this far, hopefully I've given you a proper
  and not too long of an overview of my skills and interests. Please feel free to explore my GitHub
  repositories and profile to learn more about my projects. I welcome any anyone who also wants to 
  contribute. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or just want to connect and exchange
  ideas. Let's continue to build solutions that streamlines and improves our workflows, giving us the
  headspace and flexibility we need in our busy lives.`,
  contact: `📫 You can reach me through email, LinkedIn or even here, in the discussion sections of my repos.`


const life_status = succeed ? party : tryAgain;

function party() {
  console.log("Trying again");

function tryAgain() {
  console.log("Let's party!");
