Extractify extension is a Chrome extension designed for web security testing, enabling users to efficiently extract JavaScript files and their associated relative paths and endpoints from any webpage.
- SharokhAtaieAfghanistan
- Q0120S
- allensec01iran
- Mr-B0hl00l
- ch1y0w0
- RemmyNine
- FBOvercast
- Alcardox
- mirzaaghazadeh10.0.0.1
- bzmindsomewhere between the stars
- Matrixx18
- hosseinkazemi7400
- mohammadsec
- varthdader
- famous0123
- Anh3d0ni4
- Sh4d0wHunt3rX
- oxBEN10127.0.0.1
- an3ker
- z3r0b47
- omid001php
- opragel
- MaMad4EverIslamic Republic of Iran