
Algorithmic exercise for the Psagot Hatam course of 2020

Primary LanguagePython

HATAM 2020 Algorithmic Exercise

Click here for the problem (exercise) definition.

Click here for a list of PyCharm shortcuts and tips & tricks.

Your objective is to implement the function navigate(...) in the file algorithmics/navigator.py. To check your solutions you can run the file algorithmics/app.py.

To enter your submissions, click here.

Python (Anaconda) & PyCharm Installation

By now you should have downloaded & set-up the algorithmic anaconda environment using the instructions in the following link:


If you haven't done already, now is the time. In addition, make sure you have PyCharm installed.

PyCharm & Project Set-up

Follow these instructions to clone the repo and set-up PyCharm correctly:

  1. Open git bash and cd to a working directory of you choice, the spicier the better

  2. Clone this repository to your local machine git clone https://github.com/SharonLK/psagot-2020-algo.git (if it doesn't work for some reason, you can simply download the repo)

  3. Open the cloned directory using PyCharm

  4. After the project has been opened in PyCharm, go to settings, File -> Settings... (or CTRL ALT S)

  5. In the opened window open the tab Project -> Project Interpreter


  6. In the new window, click on the cog icon and then on Add...


  7. In the add python interpreter window, click on the Conda Environment tab


  8. Select Existing environment and navigate to where the python.exe executable of the psagot-2020-algo environment is installed under the interpreter setting

    • For windows its usually found at C:\users\<username>\anaconda3\envs\psagot-2020-algo\python.exe)
    • For linux its usually found at /home/<username>/anaconda3


  9. Click OK

  10. Done!