
Deep Learning on Graph between Educational Contents

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Graphs in Machine Learning (MVA) project about using Deep Learning on Graph between Educational Contents.
The aim of this project is to predict a student's answer to an educational question using a knowledge base.
With this base, we are building a similarity graph and graph convolutions for the predictions.

Dataset : lelivrescolaire dataset (questions/answers for each student)
Advisor : Julien Seznec (lelivrescolaire).

Building the graph

Jupyter notebook file
We have m(~25k) students and n(~15k) questions.
Adjacency matrix (W) / Graph :

  • nodes = questions
  • edges = correlations between questions (difficulty/success/spentTime mean over all students) using L1-norm

W is a n x n matrix.

Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)

Jupyter notebook file
We are using T. Kipf's paper and implementation.
Train set :

  • Adjacency matrix (W, n x n matrix)
  • History matrix : students' answers to the questions (H, n x m matrix, sparse matrix)