13th June 2022
- Description
- Setup/Installation Requirements
- How To Access the Site
- UserStory
- Technology & Tools
- Reference
- Known-Bugs
- Licence
- Authors Info
This is a django web application that allows a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers. A project can be rated based on 3 different criteria; Design, Usability, and Content . These criteria can be reviewed on a scale of 1-10 and the average score is taken.
You must have git, django, postgres and python3.8+ installed in your pc. To install django and Postgres, you can use the following commands:
$ pip install django
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
git clone https://github.com/SharonneKemboi/Atarank.git
virtualenv virtual
source virtual/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
psql CREATE DATABASE galleria
python3.8 manage.py runserver
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py test
- Heroku
This App is being hosted by Heroku. The link to the live site is: https://atarank.herokuapp.com/
To test the app, run this command in the terminal;
$ python manage.py test
As a user, I would like to:
- View posted projects and their details ---Achieved
- Post a project to be rated/reviewed ----Achieved
- Rate/ review other users' projects ---Achieved
- Search for projects ---Achieved
- View projects overall score ---Achieved
- View my profile page ---Achieved
- Python
- Django (Python Framework)
- Bootstrap
- Postgres (Database)
- JavaScript
There are no known bugs yet. Seen Any Bug? Please Reach out ASAP!
- This application's source code is free for any open source projects
Copyright (c) 2022 Sharonne Kemboi
Feel free to add your contribution to the code.
If you have any questions,comments or advice,feel free to contact me