
a react component with react-leaflet and leaflet-editable

Primary LanguageJavaScript


to v0.1.1 base react-leaflet^2.x.x

This is a lightweight react component build on top of react-leaflet^3.x.x that integrate leaflet-editablefeature. It only provides map editing API, and you can easily organize your own UI.


See the DEMO


How to use


npm install react-leaflet-editable -S

Introducing dependency and import component


  • Install react-leaflet and leaflet-eidtable before import react-leaflet-editable
  • MapContainer component must have editable = true attribute
  • ReactLeafletEditable component must have map attribute
import React, { useRef } from 'react'
import L, { Icon } from 'leaflet'
import 'leaflet-editable'
import ReactLeafletEditable from 'react-leaflet-editable';
import { MapContainer, TileLayer } from 'react-leaflet'
import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'

function Demo (){
    const editRef = useRef();
    const [map, setMap] = useState();
    // 编辑一个多边形
    const editPolygon = () => {
                    center={[35, 105]}
                    <TileLayer url="xxx" />

Component API


name type description params
onEditing function hook to leaflet-editable editable:editing (e,map)
onEnable function hook to leaflet-editable editable:enable (e,map)
onDisable function hook to leaflet-editable editable:disable (e,map)
onStartDrawing function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drawing:start (e,map)
onDrawingClick function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drawing:click (e,map)
onDrawingCommit function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drawing:commit (e,map)
onDrawingMouseDown function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drawing:mousedown (e,map)
onDrawingMouseUp function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drawing:mouseup (e,map)
onDrawingMove function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drawing:move (e,map)
onCancelDrawing function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drawing:cancel (e,map)
onEndDrawing function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drawing:end (e,map)
onDragStart function hook to leaflet-editable editable:dragstart (e,map)
onDrag function hook to leaflet-editable editable:drag (e,map)
onDragEnd function hook to leaflet-editable editable:dragend (e,map)
onVertexMarkerDrag function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:drag (e,map)
onVertexMarkerDragStart function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:dragstart (e,map)
onVertexMarkerDragEnd function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:dragend (e,map)
onVertextCtrlClick function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:ctrlclick (e,map)
onNewVertex function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:new (e,map)
onVertexMarkerClick function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:click (e,map)
onVertexRawMarkerClick function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:rawclick (e,map)
onVertexDeleted function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:deleted (e,map)
onVertexMarkerCtrlClick function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:ctrlclick (e,map)
onVertexMarkerShiftClick function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:shiftclick (e,map)
onVertexMarkerMetaKeyClick function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:metakeyclick (e,map)
onVertexMarkerAltClick function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:altclick (e,map)
onVertexMarkerContextMenu function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:contextmenu (e,map)
onVertexMarkerMouseDown function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:mousedown (e,map)
onVertexMarkerMouseOver function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:mouseover (e,map)
onVertexMarkerMouseOut function hook to leaflet-editable editable:vertex:mouseout (e,map)
onMiddleMarkerMouseDown function hook to leaflet-editable editable:middlemarker:mousedown (e,map)
onShapeNew function hook to leaflet-editable editable:shape:new (e,map)
onShapeDelete function hook to leaflet-editable editable:shape:delete (e,map)
onShapeDeleted function hook to leaflet-editable editable:shape:deleted (e,map)


name type description params
startPolygon function start edit a polygon layer
startPolyline function start edit a polyline layer
startMarker function start edit a marker layer
startRectangle function start edit a rect layer
startCircle function start edit a circle layer
startHole function start edit a hole layer (editor,latlng)
clearAll function clear all editing layers