CV2024 Term Project


This repository was created for our term project, including the source code for the convertion from the handwritten mathematical expressions to latex expressions.


  1. Install all the dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Download the cleaned dataset from [Kaggle] Cleaned Aida OCR Dataset, decompress it, and make sure the directory data/cleaned_aida/ includes the 10,000 samples, a train/test split and a vocab file.
  3. Set environment variable MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI to track the metrics during training. If it is not set, it will in default create a mlflow server locally and you can access it from the url:
  4. Config the variables in
  5. Run

File Descriptions

  • the script to clean and process the raw aida dataset. Since the raw dataset is too large, we have a cleaned dataset for direct access: [Kaggle] Cleaned Aida OCR Dataset, including all the images, masked images, cleaned metadata, train/test splits and the vocabularies.
  • includes the definition of AidaDataset, which is a pytorch dataset.
  • includes the latex tokenizer, which is used to encode and decode the latex expressions and the token sequences.
  • includes the transforms such as FixedAspectResize, RandomSpots and Binarization.
    • FixedAspectResize: pad and resize the input image to a specific size while fixing the aspect ratio.
    • RandomSpots: add some random varying spots on the image to enhance the model performance on noisy binarized images.
    • Binarization: binarize the given RGB image.
  • models: includes the OCR model and the corresponding lightning model we implemented in our project.
  • includes the definition of CharacterErrorRate, which is a metric used to measure the model performance.
  • train the model.
  • verify_cleaned_aida: check the completeness of the cleaned aida dataset.