Welcome to the SDMX Constructor User Manual

Open-access user manual-in-progress

Please send corrections or suggestions for this book-in-progress to sdmx.support@ilo.org, or open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository at https://github.com/rajivranj/placeholder. Built with http://bookdown.org + https://www.rstudio.com

About the user manual

This user manual for the SDMX Constructor provides step-by-step instructions on using the tool in a user-friendly and accessible manner. It provides an in-depth understanding of SDMX Constructor’s features and functionalities. It is an essential resource for anyone using the tool to manage and share data following the SDMX standards. This comprehensive manual provides a step-by-step guide on getting started with the software, including installing it and creating and managing SDMX artefacts. The manual includes a detailed overview of the tool’s user interfaces, including menu items, navigation, and other essential features. The manual does not, however, delve into the intricacies of the SDMX standard itself. Describing the SDMX standard is beyond the scope of this manual, as it is an extensive and complex topic requiring more in-depth discussion and is available elsewhere. Instead, the manual assumes that readers are familiar with the SDMX standard and focuses on explaining how to use the tool within that context.


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