
Baseline Blockchain

Primary LanguageGo


bbc, which is Barebone BlockChain, or Basic Blockchain Consensus, or Beginner Blockchain Code, or Buy Bbc Coin, or Big Banana Coin, or whatever you like.

It looks usable.


Setup Miners

Prepare storage folder and keypair

mkdir .bbc_storage  # the folder to store blockchain data
mkdir conf # the folder to store configurations
go run wallet/wallet.go genkey > conf/miner1.json # generate a key pair for the node

Set up a server listening on 30001 port, it broadcast its own address as miner1.example.com:30001, and connect to peers at miner2.example.com:30001 and miner3.example3.com:30001. The miner will store the mining reward in the address corresponding to the keypair in conf/miner1.json.

go run server/server.go --key conf/miner1.json \
  -l \
  -a miner1.example.com:30001 \
  -p miner2.example.com:30001 \
  -p miner3.example.com:30001

Run go run tester/server.go -h for other available options.

Use Wallet

On your client, put the following content in conf/wallet.json

    "pubKey": "f936778f7b3e00e2e47b416c316d57d472db490f80975e6f5410dd4e6d150536",
    "privKey": "d8258ada9378e2ca7d39ee9d18ab5ef5e6a35ae79c07df643fcdcca51334243cf936778f7b3e00e2e47b416c316d57d472db490f80975e6f5410dd4e6d150536",
    "miners": [
    "addr": {
        "miner1": "f936778f7b3e00e2e47b416c316d57d472db490f80975e6f5410dd4e6d150536",
        "miner2": "3a735e030663bda5f180ff273e6aca2a380a4a76d17a5956edd58c1683950483",
        "miner3": "46a967e84e759488e439644fe316c0c1be30976cc9489694f6e3d3f136827043"
# query the balance of miner1
go run wallet/wallet.go balance -a miner1

# transfer 400 coins to miner2, with 5 coin of transaction fee sent to the miner
go run wallet/wallet.go transfer -to miner2 400 --fee 5

Run go run wallet/wallet.go -h for more available actions.