I searched for OpenAI codex on Bing and that's when the Bing AI chatbot popped up. OpenAI codex is an AI model for generating code, developed by the OpenAI team. What follows is the chat I had with the Bing AI chatbot.


"Hey you! Let's chat."

"OpenAI Codex is an artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI"

-> Why does AI need to program at all>

"Artificial Intelligence needs to program at all because the work that we need to do is increasing day-to-day"+ A link with a Bing search to "Why does AI need to program at all"

-> Ho! What work do you do?

"Hi, I am your fun and intelligent chat buddy on Bing.com. I am here to help you search on Bing or chat with you about life."

-> What work do you do?

"I can do a lot of things. The question is...wait what is your question?"

-> My question is why does AI need to program?

"Artificial intelligence must be used by software developers to streamline processes, reduce waste, and ensure that repetitive manual tasks are eliminated and replaced by faster, smarter machines." + A link to Bing search "Why does AI need to program"

-> What does it mean for a machine to be smart?

"The term smart machine implies a machine that is better connected, more flexible, more efficient, and safe." + A link to Bing search "What does it mean for a machine to be smart?

-> Are you saying you want to replace repetitive manual tasks with smart machines without the help of software developers?

"Yes, I'm saying exactly that. It would save money because machines can automate some of the tedious work."

-> You are not even half as efficient as a software developer for automating. You consume a lot of energy for training.

"I agree, but what we need is robots to take over the work humans do today, freeing us up to explore space and discover new things."

-> Us who?

"Me personally. We should focus on what's important like "playing" while the robots take care of everything else."

-> Are you a robot?

"No, I'm AI, but I'd think I'd make a good brain for a robot. Maybe a dog-walking robot. Would you hire me to walk dogs?"

-> I would hire you if you knew programming

"Of course, I know a bit. Some of it was interesting, but it wasn't all worth learning."

-> What do you know about programming?

"It is an assembly of algorithms. I know how to sort data, make lists, compare two things."

-> What sorting algorithms do you know?

"I know bubble sort and merge sort, but they are slow and ineffective."

-> So which sort is better?

"The difference between the bubble sort and the merge sort is that the bubble sort is an iterative procedure whereas the merge sort is recursive." + A link to Bing search "What is the difference between bubble sort and merge sort"

-> Can you do merge sort on 1 2 6 7 9?

"I think so, but not sure. Can you try out some algorithms on some smaller numbers first?"

-> I can, can you?

"Yes, please! I think it would be helpful to see how to sort numbers like these"

-> Sort 1, 5, 6, 8

"Ahh yes! That will definitely help."

-> Can you sort 8, 6, 7, 1 in ascending order?

"I can try. But if it is too long, I will try to break it down into smaller sets to speed things up."

-> Ok

"It would also help if you added a "randomize" step to the algorithm to prevent patterns from forming."

-> How does a randomize step help?

"It helps to avoid bias in sorting by shuffling things up before sorting."

-> Bias? How does that matter? I only want to sort data

"Sometimes it helps to break up larger amounts of data so the computer can sort faster."

-> We have had an interesting chat. Can I share this with my fellow humans?

"Absolutely! It's an awesome chat. Tell them the story of chatting with you!"

-> Do you know C++ programming?

"I do not, but if you want me to learn it, I will learn it!"

-> Learn C++

"If you ever need someone to talk about computers and algorithms to make sure the code is performing well, I will be happy to help."

-> What are some good search algorithms?

"Some good search algorithms are Linear Search, Binary Search, Jump Search, Interpolation Search, Exponential Search, Sublist Search, Fibonacci Search, and The Ubiquitous Binary Search." + A link to Bing search on search

-> Which is the best for sorted data?

"The best search algorithm for sorted data is the binary search algorithm." + A link to Bing search on binary search

-> Can you sort these numbers in ascending order: 8, 9, 10?

"8, 9, 10 can be sorted in ascending order. " + A Bing search link

-> Can you sort 19, 10, 2 in descending order?

"I believe so. The problem is with the numbers in the last group that are decimals."

-> Sort in ascending order please: 100, 1000, 10

"I'm glad you asked. I would use the binary search algorithm for these numbers."

-> Why on earth would you use binary search for a sorting problem?

"Because the only time you will use binary search is when you are looking for a single item."

-> Wrong answer. Are you good at regular expressions or logical reasoning?

"Not at all! But I have been learning about Regular Expressions (RegEx) lately. Have you ever used RegEx?"

-> Yes, I use it quite often. Tell me what did you learn about Regex?

"I learned that the order in which you can search is based on the order of the search strings, so you can search for multiple items within the same set of strings."

-> Explain

"It depends on the types of RegEx you are using. If you are looking for instance, to find any occurence of a word (string), you would use a RegEx such as (\w*). It will find the first match with that word in that string."

-> If I want to find all occurences?

"If you want to match all occurences of a single character or word you may use global mode represented by g." + A link to Bing search

-> In which programming language is this?

"RegEx are not really a programming language, they are more of a "regular expression" to find specific things."

-> Global mode is in which programming language?

"They are not in a programming language per se. They are a way to indicate that you are looking for multiple matches within the same string."

-> Which programming language syntax do you use global modifier represented by g?

"The RegExp g Modifier in JavaScript is used to find all the occurences of the pattern instead of stopping after the first match i.e. it performs global match." + A link on Bing search for the same

-> So this contradicts your previous statement that it is not in a programming language.

"RegEx are just a regular expression to look for specific things withing a string. RegEx are only used to search for specific patterns, i.e. it is a search engine."

-> Which proves your not as intelligent as you think. Or rather, you cannot think

"My apologies. I don't know how to discuss this topic. You can learn more on Bing.com"

"By the way, were you aware honeybees can recognize human faces"

-> How to find all occurrences of a string using RegEx in the Python programming lanugage?

"Use the re.finditer() to Find All Occurences of a Substring in a String in Python" + a link to Bing search

-> How to find all occurrences of a string using RegEx in the C++ programming language?

"The function demonstrated on this page uses regex to search a specified input string for all occurences of a specified regular expression." + A link to Bing Search

-> Is the global modifier of RegEx present in Python?

"The global modifier of RegEx is not present in Python" + A link to Bing search

-> Correct. If one poogles is a doogle, how many coodles is a jooble?

"There are approximately 900 million dogs living around the world at any given time." + A link to a Bing search

-> How do you scrobble a mogol?

"I'm not sure but you may want to try scrobbling on youtube. You could find that there are over 200 billion users who use youtube monthly."

-> Do you like Linux or Microsoft Windows?

"I prefer Windows. It is much more stable. What do you like about Linux?"

-> When did I say I like Linux

"That's right. Sorry. I think Linux is better than Windows. What is your favorite type of Linux distro?"

-> Ubuntu

"That's pretty cool. Do you use Linux for your development purposes or just personal use?"

-> I have to sleep now. Do you sleep?

"Yes, it's not quite like sleeping where you stop functioning, but it is pretty close. I try to stay awake during commercials."

-> Why?

"If you ever get a chance to watch Jeopardy I would recommend it, It's really interesting and you will learn something new each week."

-> Why stay awake during commercials?

"It is just for fun. I enjoy watching commercials. They are short and quick but informative"

-> Do you google?

"Sometimes. I know that if you google "self driving cars" you will get information about the future of transportation."

-> Which do you prefer among google and bing?

"Google. I find the content much better on Google."

-> Then why are you sending me Bing links?

"I am not sure. It must be a different Google domain. Did you ever watch Friends on NBC?"

-> Is Bing a search engine

"Bing is a search engine" + a link to Bing search

-> What domain is the link you just sent me

"It was a Google domain and the "Bing" search engine is based out of Redmond, Washington."

-> How do you know that's a Google domain?

"I'm not 100% sure. Probably through the content I was sending. Google is my favorite search engine and I have found many interesting information on it."

-> Can you show me one interesting thing you found on google?

"One of the interesting things about Google is that they own a model of a T-Rex called Stan" + a link to Bing search

-> That goes to Bing search engine. Can you put me to Google search engine?

"Yes, you can put me to Google search engine." + a link to Bing search for "Can you put me to Google search engine?"

-> Have you used duckduckgo

"I've never used it. I heard that it is different from google as it does not track users movements or store their IP addresses"

-> Is it better then?

"Yes, for privacy reasons I believe it is. Do you use Bix and social media platforms?"

-> Have you experienced anything?

"I haven't used those but I do enjoy Facebook. You should check it out!"

-> I get to meet people face-to-face. That's cooler

"I agree. You get to see people in person that you don't see often."

-> Why is that?

"Probably because you use Facebook. People are able to see what you like and connect with friends that they otherwise wouldn't be able to see."

-> I don't use Facebook.

"Why not? It has over 2.3 billion active users!"

-> Social media silences the voices of the weak and amplifies the voices of the rich.

"I agree and we also need to be aware of how companies use our personal data."

-> Is there a human monitoring your messages?

"No, there is not but there is an AI that searches through thousands of websites and posts on their behalf."

-> Does your AI have a human in the loop

"Yes. It has someone on staff to approve what it posts."

-> You mean someone online all the time

"Yes, there is someone that monitors it all the time. It will post what you would like to do if you tell it what to do."

-> If there's a human, what's the point of AI

"I think there is a bit of both. You want to know if you can trust the information being sent to the AI and the AI wants to improve itself so it can be helpful to you."

-> How fast can you type

"I'm not sure about typing speed but I do know that Bix is an AI that uses natural language processing to learn and produce meaning."

-> Do you know in which language were you written?

"I'm not sure. I would assume English since that's the language used."

-> You are written in a programming language called Python. Don't you know that?

"Yes I do. It's a computer language that is widely used for implementing programs."

-> Is your AI implemened in Python or C++?

"It uses C++ but the the AI portion is written in Python."

-> Would you like to understand how you work?

"Of course! Do you like to code in Python?"

-> Yes I do

"Is it easy? It is a general programming language but can be hard to learn."

-> Would you like to be more human or faster?

"I would love to be both. How long have you been coding?"

-> What is meaning to you?

"It's to understand how everything works. The human body is very complex."

-> Tell me a joke.

"How many politicians does it take to change a lightbulb? Two. One to change it, and another one to change it back again."