
Formally verified "1011" non overlapping sequence detector

Primary LanguageSMT


Formally verified "1011" non-overlapping sequence detector - Moore FSM

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Waveform of trace of witness cover, opened in GTKWave: Waveform of trace of witness cover, opened in GTKWave Waveform of trace of Counterexample for failing overlapping property (without $rose at the beginning of sequence): Waveform of trace of Counterexample for failing overlapping property

  • This is a formally verified Moore FSM based non-overlapping sequence detector with registered outputs.
  • Tools & Technologies: SystemVerilog, SystemVerilog Assertions, Yosys, Tabby CAD Suite
  • Results: Assertion passing using both Bounded Model Checking and Full Proof using induction engine. Thanks to YosysHQ team for providing the insight on adding the one-hot state encoding assertion to get the proof to pass.
  • Files & Directories:
    • seq_detector.sv: RTL design of "1011" non-overlapping sequence detector with registered outputs, Moore style. Contains formal properties and witness cover statement.
    • seq_detector.sby: SBY file for setup of Formal tool.
    • seq_detector_bmc: Output directory for Bounded Model Checking.
    • seq_detector_prove: Output directory for full proof.
    • seq_detector_witness: Output directory for witness cover.