
Software Engineering Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Repository for software engineering project RUEats.


Initial Instructions:

Clone the Repository

  • Open a terminal
  • Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
  • Run the following command:

git clone <repository_url>

  • Replace <repository_url> with the URL of your Git repository. This will create a new directory with the same name as the repository and download the code into that directory.

Navigate into the Repository

  • Run the following command:

cd <repository_name>

  • Replace <repository_name> with the name of your repository.

Pull the Latest Changes

  • Before you start working on a new feature, make sure you have the latest changes from the remote repository. Run:

git pull origin main

Setting up the Application locally for running and testing.


Install Node.js and npm.

Update environment variable

Update all the environment variables provided in the application documentation:

PAYMENT_SECRET_KEY = payment_key

Installation Steps

Open a terminal in the project directory.


  • npm install After all dependencies are installed run:
  • npm run devStart or node app.js

RUEats should be up and running on the localhost 3000 port. Home page url: http://localhost:3000/home

Developer Instructions

Create a New Branch for every new Feature

  • git checkout -b <branch_name>

  • Branch name pattern feature-<featureName>

  • Replace <branch_name> with the name of your new branch.

Make Changes

  • You can now start making changes for your new feature. Commit Your Changes

  • Once you’ve made some changes, stage them for commit by running:

git add .

P.S do not include package-lock.json

  • Then, commit your changes by running:

git commit -m "<commit_message>"

Replace <commit_message> with a brief description of your changes.

Push Your Changes

  • Finally, push your changes to the remote repository by running:

git push origin <branch_name>

Open a Pull Request

Go to your repository on GitHub.

  • Click on ‘Pull requests’.

  • Click on ‘New pull request’.

  • Select your branch from the ‘compare’ dropdown.

  • Review your changes and click on ‘Create pull request’.

Atleast 1 reviewers approval required to merge PR.

Creating Database queries.

  • Your Database queries can be placed inside RUEatsRepository.js
  • Each new query/ operation can be a new method inside class RUEatsRepository eg. function getRestaurant(id) which can take necessary arguments, run queries with that input and return output.