
Example using AWS CustomResource

Primary LanguageTypeScript

AWS CFN CustomResource to deploy API / Web (SPA)

Preparation for Custom Resource Script

Install all the dependencies for this project:

npm run installAll

Create a Bucket for storing code assets. Use this bucket name in upcoming parameters.

aws s3 mb s3://tmp-store-assets

The lambda-code directory has the code for the CFN Cutom Resource.

Build, archive and copy the lambda-code to S3 in preparation to be referenced by CloudFormation:

npm run updateLambda --bucket=tmp-store-assets

Build and copy the spa-code to S3 bucket:

npm run updateSpa --bucket=tmp-store-assets

Setup the API Gateway Weather API with the first command and get the API ID with the second:

aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name APIWeather --template-file ./api-setup/APITemplate.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name APIWeather | grep OutputValue

Main Custom Resource Script

When calling the main CloudFormation (with Custom Resource), we pass in 3 parameters. This deploys a new API stage and creates a bucket for the new website (Web URL returned as an output).

  1. StageName. This is the name of the deployment for API GW, e.g dev
  2. SourceBucket. The source of the files we prepared, e.g tmp-source-assets
  3. APIID. The existing ID for the API GW, e.g u0q9mvv7wd
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name CRDeployStack --template-file ./CRTemplate.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameter-overrides StageName=dev SourceBucket=tmp-store-assets APIID=u0q9mvv7wd

Get output as below:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name CRDeployStack | grep OutputValue

If you have purely web (SPA) code changes and want to trigger an Update. Re-run the updateSpa command and then re-run the deploy with a different BuildId paramater.

npm run updateSpa --bucket=tmp-store-assets
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name CRDeployStack --template-file ./CRTemplate.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameter-overrides StageName=dev SourceBucket=tmp-store-assets APIID=u0q9mvv7wd BuildId=2

Cleanup, delete the Stacks as below:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name CRDeployStack
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name APIWeather