
Minimal MVVM swift starter project with unit tests

Primary LanguageSwift

MVVM minimal starter project


Minimal MVVM project with a ViewModel, a ViewController and some unit tests.


Clone or download and cd into root project. Open the .xcodeproj file to run in Xcode.

Advantages of this pattern

The UI logic (View Controller) is separated from the Model data transformation logic (ViewModel). This is a nice separation of concerns and easier to test.
You can avoid the Massive View Controller problem that is common to the MVC pattern.
Maintain a uni-directional data flow.

How to extend / scale this example

A typical expansion would be to add a new module with a new ViewController a new ViewModel and new Views to display on the front end. I plan to add a slightly more advanced View to the display in the ViewController. The Model and ViewModel will require some new properties. This will be on a new branch (advanced) to keep this example minimal.