
Simple example of creating a serverless API on AWS with Lambda and API Gateway

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Lambda nodejs api project (AWS)


This is a simple nodejs api project to deploy a Lambda function and a API Gateway endpoint to access the Lambda function. This project uses the npm serverless framework https://serverless.com/

The example endpoint simulates returning a list of a football teams recent result(s).


Make sure you have and AWS account and have set up aws-cli with the credentials set.

Running the below in terminal will create 1 API Gateway and 1 Lambda function.

This endpoint is open to the public so remove the endpoint afer use to avoid paying for possible executions.

npm install -g serverless
git clone https://github.com/Shaun-Farrell/simple-lambda-nodejs-api.git
cd simple-lambda-nodejs-api
serverless deploy

To run the example unit test with mocha run:

npm install
npm test

To remove the AWS resources that were create run:

serverless remove

Advantages of serverless

Pay per execution only pay for the compute power you use.
Reduce management of servers for installing security patches etc.
Easier to manage scaling as largely it is built in.

How to extend / scale this example

A typical expansion would be to add a new endpoint pointing to a different function.
Add unit tests as you scale.
I plan to add advanced branch with some more details.