Interview Scheduler


Interview Scheduler is a React app developed for and by Lighthouse Labs to keep track of scheduled interviews. It utilizes a PostgeSQL database, React components including Storybook, as well as the React and Jest testing libraries. The aim of this project was to teach me how to make full use of the components of the aforementioned tech stack to full advantage and apply that knowledge to future projects.


Interview Scheduler features a menu that displays available days to schedule and dynamically renders interviews when a new day is clicked

Interview Scheduler features a menu that displays available days to schedule and dynamically renders interviews when a new day is clicked

Clicking in an empty interview slot instantly brings up a form to submit a new interview

Clicking in an empty interview slot instantly brings up a form to submit a new interview

Clicking on the edit button of an already booked interview allows you to edit it, with the form fields being dynamically populated from the database

Clicking on the edit button of an already booked interview allows you to edit it, with the form fields being dynamically populated from the database

Clicking on the delete button of an already booked interview allows you to delete it, but first it will ask you for confirmation to ensure it was not by mistake!

Clicking on the delete button of an already booked interview allows you to delete it, but first it will ask you for confirmation to ensure it was not by mistake!

Trying to submit a form will trigger input validation to ensure required fields are filled in

Trying to submit a form will trigger input validation to ensure required fields are filled in

In the event that errors occur during the create, edit, or delete interview process, the user will be presented with an appropriate error message

In the event that errors occur during the create, or edit interview process, the user will be presented with an appropriate error message

In the event that errors occur during the delete interview process, the user will be presented with an appropriate error message

Scheduler API server required

Please also clone the API server found here:

You must be running the API server in a separate terminal for the Scheduler app to be able to access the database


The following are used in the Scheduler project: Axios, React, Cypress, Babel, Storybook, Jest, React, and Sass


Install dependencies with npm install.

Running Webpack Development Server

npm start

Running Jest Test Framework

npm test

Running Storybook Visual Testbed

npm run storybook