
A pure C/C++ based Linux terminal which comes with customised commands it makes use of system config libraries to initiate the terminal and uses string based commands to parse the commands that invoke function calls to process the commands.

Primary LanguageC


This is an implementation of very basic C based shell project which I tried to make using slight view of C that I have and internet articles to understand how a terminal works & learn more on how applications in C work or UNIX operate. The program has chief 3 commands i.e:

  • cd
  • help
  • exit

These commands are written as function into the C code to operate them, whereas to use other commands use man to check up on upon them.

Use whitespaces to run more than 1 commands.


C- Language


Just download the Repo,and run the C file using a g++ compiler from within your shell.

Run the following command on local terminal

Run the file on the terminal

gcc shell.c

Compile and start the terminal as

