
Some evil greasyfork script collection.

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Some evil script collection useful in Zhejiang University.

  • ZJU-Sign-in-ClassRoom-Alert.js(浙江大学智云课堂签到提示) An assistant that watches the subtitles on ZJU classroom (浙江大学智云课堂) and sends you alert when the teacher asks to sign in.
  • NexusHD_sign_in/ A shell script based on curl that automatically signs in for you on NexusHD (a private torrent website exclusive to ZJU members).
  • CC98_sigin_in/ A shell script based on curl that automatically signs in for you on CC98 (an internal forum also exclusive to ZJU members).


Available on Greasy Fork

Copy & paste the content into a Tampermonkey script.


It's a minimalist script inspired by XinArkh/NexusHD_AutoCheck. Unlike its predecessor, it is based on curl that does not depend on any additional libraries, or python.

Prerequsite: accessible to ZJU internal network.

Single user, temporary run

Navigate to the folder containing the scripts, simply type

./nhd_curl.sh <username> <password>

Multiple users

Fill in your list of username and password in the local copy of nhd_password.txt

Format specification: In each line, username:password (separated by half-width colon and nothing else)





Scheduled task

On Linux or OpenWRT server, use crontab command to setup scheduled task.

# edit scheduled task
crontab -e

In the editor that follows, type

# automatically sign in for NHD at 08:00 am everyday.
00 08 * * * cd /path/to/script; ./nhd_autosign.sh


An expansion to NexusHD_sign_in. Its usage is similar to NexusHD_sign_in