Drawing on the great work of others, and the disturbingly simple PoC attack, I wanted to write a .NET implementation so that I could run the PoC against some embedded devices running IPv6 only, and in a windows environment where I couldn't (or couldn't be bothered) installing python or go.
I hope this is of use to someone else.
DotNet OpenSSL Heartbleed PoC at https://github.com/ShawInnes/HeartBleedDotNet
by Shaw Innes (shaw@immortal.net.au)
Based on CVE-2014-0160 OpenSSL Heartbleed PoC at https://github.com/pakesson/heartbleed-c
by Philip Åkesson (philip.akesson@gmail.com)
Original Python version at http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/32745/
by Jared Stafford (jspenguin@jspenguin.org)