- Store: View discounted, upcoming and recently released PC games.
- Pricing: Compare prices and discounts of games over time on the Steam market.
- Notifications: Get notified of games that go on discount, get released or become available for preorder.
- Play games: Play your Steam game on your computer without the need for launching Steam.
- Reviews and 5-star ratings: Read Steam reviews and rate the games you like or dislike.
- Global Chatroom: Talk with fellow gamers about exciting new releases with all your favorite emojis and custom emotes!
- Linked gaming profiles: Link your gaming profiles such as Twitch, Discord and Steam so people know where they can add you.
- Complete Steam catalogue: The entire list of Steam games are available and updated daily.
View patch notes
- Initial release
- Account login
- Updated login, signup button
- Updated Remember Me slider
- Account Settings
- Added ability to change password
- Changed saving individual settings into one save button
- Added ability to Add/Update/Delete profile pictures
- Using Imgur image hosting
- Added slider to expand and collapse gaming links
- Chatroom
- Added text to show if message was Today, Yesterday, etc for improved readability
- Added iMessage chat bubbles
- Clickable to show time stamp
- Updated send bar to send messages
- Updated screen to view users in chatroom
- Updated UI
- Added text to show how long ago was the last activity of a user
- Menu
- Added Game Trailer vidoes
- Added Steam Reviews
- Added ability to search games by genre
- Changed Popular Games By Platform to Exclusive Games By Platform
- Added Read More for long summaries for improved readability
- Added clickable platforms and genres
- Chatroom
- Added top and side nav bar
- Moved User List to side nav
- Updated user list UI
- Added multi-bubble for subsequent messages from the same person
- Added ability to use pictures in messages
- Menu
- Updated Game Screen UI
- Account
- Added email verification
- Email sent on account creation and resent on request
- Other
- Added SSL support
- Code cleanup
- Add comments
- Split heavy files into smaller ones
- Seperate components into container and presentational components
- Menu
- Added Gaming Profiles
- Ability to view your followed live Twitch streams
- Ability to view your Steam friends list
- Ability to copy your Discord server's link to send to friends
- Login
- Updated login screen to be fullscreen
- Chatroom
- Updated chatrooms
- Severals new channels for the most popular video games
- Added user list bar
- Ability to see other user's time of most recent activity
- Ability to click on a user for more detailed information
- Added search feature
- Find users by name for more detailed information
- Added settings feature
- View all emotes available and who uploaded them
- Create your own custom emote
- Updated messaging
- Ability to use Emojis, Animated Emojis, and image attachments
- Login
- Added back button
- Menu
- Updated promotional infographic
- Updated to include news popular, upcoming and recent games as well as gaming news articles
- Added Advanced Search feature
- Includes 4 filters, Popularity, Category, Genre and Platform
- Includes sorting by Release Date, Popularity, and Alphabetic
- Easy to use simply by swiping left on any menu screen
- Updated results screen
- Increased games shown to 50
- Updated game information to include pricing, genres and steam link (where applicable)
- Added fully-responsive across all devices
- Redesigned UI
v2.0 (Coming Soon)
Create a file called config.ts
in the root directory based off the default settings located in configTemplate.ts.
import { Config } from "./client/client-server-common/common";
const config: Config = {
export default config;
Follow the same routine for creating a file called database.json
in the root directory based off the default settings located in databaseTemplate.json and ensure these values match those for the database property in config.ts.
SSL information: If you plan to use SSL set "useStrictlyHttps:true" and "https: { key: <path-to-key>.pem
, cert: <path-to-certificate>.crt
, ca: <path-to-bundle>.ca-bundle
}" to the appropriate paths in the config file.
Apart from the included NPM packages, there are additional components and API's required to run this program without error.
- MySQL Server: This is required to save Accounts, Authenticaiton Tokens, Chat Emotes, Chatroom messages, and Games.
- SMTP: For account recovery and email verification you must set valid SMTP account credentials via the config property "smtp".
Back-end unit testing on the NodeJS server uses Mocha, Nyc, Istanbul and is available through the following script:
npm run test-with-coverage
In addition to the text summary, an html coverage report will be generated in /coverage/lcov-report/index.html
How do i run this website on my own?
- Ensure your MySQL server is running and ask the admin (Shawn Andrews) for a copy of the latest database schema.
- Ensure your HTTP, HTTPS(if enabled) and Chat server ports are forwarded.
- You may now access the website via
- Install
Execute the following commands to install npm packages for the client and server:
cd client
npm install
cd ..
npm install
- Build
To build the project using webpack and compile the typescript, execute the following commands:
cd client
npm run client-prod
cd ..
npm run server-prod
This will build the production version of the client, server and chat server in the respective /dist
- Run
You have two options for running the server. The first involves a single process handling requests, and the other is cluster mode which will create duplicate processes on each CPU core and spread requests across them to improve CPU task performance.
#1 (non-cluster mode):
- Shell #1
npm run server
- Shell #2
npm run chat-server
- Shell #3
npm run webscraper
#2 (cluster mode):
- Shell #1
node runcluster.js
- Shell #2
npm run chat-server
- Shell #3
npm run webscraper
This will start running the HTTP/HTTPS web server, chat server, and webscraper. You may now access the site via localhost.
This website was designed to provide information, pricing and notifications about all the games you love, and give you an opportunity in the chatroom to talk with fellow gamers about them.
Ask the admin (Shawn Andrews) for a copy of the latest database.
Using React, Bootstrap, Redux, NodeJS, MySQL, and SocketIO.