An animal simulator made as a project for Software Engineering 374 lab at the University of Regina.
- Shawn Clake
- Sam Dietrich
- Uys Kriek
- Jennifer Herasymuik
The [Sask Wildlife] federation has a desire to study the life cycle of animals that live in a certain habitat in Saskatchewan. They would like our students to model their habitat and create a software simulation modelling their life cycle. The animals will be placed in a virtual world and seek out food and will live or die depending on what happens in their world.
(Trevor Douglas, 2016) - Pulled from Lab 4 assignment handout
- Planning stage - UML, Class/Sequence Diagrams
- Stub coding
- Eating animals and vegetation
- Using the simulation
- Generating a simulation
- Adding x number of animals and y number of vegetation
- Adding a UI
- A log of daily events
- Added a count of alive and dead animals
- Added the ability to choose what to spawn
- Done
- Done
- Java supported platforms