
An engine to play image frames in animation without causing high-memory usage.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


中文 iOS 7.0+ pod License

An engine to display image frames in animation without causing high-memory usage.


  • Only the displaying image, rather than all of image frames, would occupy the memory.
  • Supports image decode in background thread.
  • Implemented by CADisplayLink.


Using Engine

import "CALayer+FXAnimationEngine.h" in your file first.

// load all image frames 
NSArray<UIImage *> *frames = ...;


FXKeyframeAnimation *animation = [FXKeyframeAnimation animationWithIdentifier:@"xxx"];
animation.delegate = self;
animation.frameImages = frames;
animation.duration = 5.5;
animation.repeats = 3;

// decode image asynchronously
[xxxView.layer fx_playAnimationAsyncDecodeImage:animation];


FXKeyframeAnimation *animation = [FXKeyframeAnimation animation];
animation.count = 50;  // [0, 49]
animation.duration = 4.2;

FXKeyframeAnimation *animation2 = [FXKeyframeAnimation animation];
animation2.count = 30; // [50, 79]
animation2.duration = 1.5;
animation2.repeats = 6; // repeat image between index 50 to index 79 six times

FXKeyframeAnimation *animation3 = [FXKeyframeAnimation animation];
animation.count = 20; // [80, 99]
animation.duration = 2;

FXAnimationGroup *animationGroup = [FXAnimationGroup animationWithIdentifier:@"xxxAnimation"];
animationGroup.animations = @[animation, animation2, animation3];
animationGroup.frames = frames;
animationGroup.delegate = self;

[xxxView.layer fx_playAnimation:animation];


- (void)fxAnimationDidStart:(FXAnimation *)anim {
    // identify your animation by its "identifier" property

- (void)fxAnimationDidStop:(FXAnimation *)anim finished:(BOOL)finished {
    // ...

Memory Usage Profile

Do The Math

For example, now you have 100 keyframe images and each one image is 160px * 320px. If every frame is 32-bit PNG, then one pixel will occupy 32 / (8 * 1024) KB. So one image will use 160 * 320 * 32 / (8 * 1024) KB memory, that is 200KB.

If you create your keyframe animation by Core Animation, all images will be loaded into memory(200KB * 100 / 1024 MB).

With FXAnimationEngine, creating a keyframe animation won't cause high-memory waterline, since only one image(200KB) occupies memory during animation.

How To Use Demo

This demo implements a living room using custom animation configuration to create FXKeyframeAnimation or CAKeyframeAnimation.



  1. Add these lines below to your Podfile

    platform :ios, 'xxx'
    target 'xxx' do
      pod 'FXAnimationEngine', '~> 1.0.0'
  2. Install the pod by running pod install


Drag FXAnimationEngine document with all files in it to your project


FXAnimationEngine is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.