
A very simple NLP system for NARS, for beginners, based on some simple matching mechanisms.

Primary LanguagePython

A simple NLP system for NARS, the ideas are summarized in:
Note that it was originally developed for Prolog, only the language part in the pdf still applies, none of the reasoning ideas.

Example translations from text to Narsese it is able to carry out:

the cat is cute and fluffy
(&&,<cat --> cute>,<cat --> fluffy>)

sam is a professor and a good teacher
(&&,<sam --> professor>,<sam --> (&,good,teacher)>).

someone is a murder if he kills a human
<<(*,$1,human) --> kills> ==> <$1 --> murder>>

michael is reading books in the library
(&&,<(*,michael,library) --> in>,<michael --> (*,reading,books)>

the yellow car is in the blue garage
<(*,(&,yellow,car),(&,blue,garage)) --> in>

something is a right triangle if it has 3 edges and it has a 90-degree angle
<(&&,<(*,$1,(&,3,edges)) --> has>,<(*,$1,(&,90-degree,angle)) --> has>) ==> <$1 --> (&,right,triangle)>>.

X is in Z if X is in Y and Y is in Z
<(&&,<(*,$X,$Z) --> in>,<(*,$Z,$Y) --> in>) ==> <(*,$X,$Y) --> in>>.

what is in the garage
<(*,?1,garage) --> in>

The project is under MIT license.