
An Eloquent base model for Laravel.

Primary LanguagePHP

This repository is going to be removed shortly. If you want it then please fork it or request that I transfer ownership to you.

A Base-Model for Laravel's Eloquent ORM

Version: 1.1

This is just a simple Eloquent base model. As I think of more features to add here I will. This is not intended to be similar to Aware or any of those extended Eloquent models. This is intended to be a light-weight base model that only adds functionality that is expected to be used on most of my sites.

Since this base model is so basic I see no reason to submit it to the Laravel bundle repository.

Feature Overview

  • Validation


Install to bundles/eloquent-base-model.

Then, update your bundles.php to auto-start the bundle.

return array(
	'eloquent-base-model' => array('auto' => true),


Message Model

class Message extends \EloquentBaseModel\Base
    public static $accessible = array('subject', 'body');

    public static $rules = array(
        'author_id'         => 'required|exists:users,id',
        'recipient_id'      => 'required|exists:users,id',
        'subject'           => 'required|min:3',
        'body'              => 'required',

Controller Action

// validate message
$message = new Message(Input::all());

$message->recipient_id = 1;
$message->author_id    = 1;

    return Redirect::back()->with_input()->with_errors($message->validation);
