Twich has been riddled with bots lately, that have been part of hate raids, and who knows what else. So I decided to make a quick script to ban all of the known bots that aren't useful. The list can be found in helpers.js and it's very likely that it will be expanding over time.

If you would like to use this you'll need: - To add a .env file with your OUATH from and ME="channel name". Unless you plan on hosting this, you don't need to do this then you can put the values directly into the code. I just did this as a privacy matter. - Add the channel(s) you wish to attach the bot to - Download Node. - Run npm i when in the directory. - Run node index.js. - Go into that channel's chat and run !doTheThing

Added in followBotExtractor. Allows me to copy paste a wall of follow bots(since they have begun adding new ones in), gather their name into a list and then use !banEm in the channel I'm modding.