Well-Being Monitor
App website:
Author: Junsheng Tan
Portfolio website: https://junshengtan.webflow.io
Website to monitor your daily mood and produce statistical reports on a weekly and monthly level.
Techonologies: Deno runtime; Postgres Database; Oak framework for the router; Session is available; bcrypt is used for encrypted user credentials.
I used Docker-compose to setup Postgres database and Deno runtime, flyway for dynamically updating database schema.
Deployed on Digital Ocean, the application can be found in link:
for best UX, plese use Google Chrome browser
Endpoint /api/summary returns JSON with all uses' statistics, e.g., average mood of all users over the last 7 days.
Endpoint /api/summary/:year/:month/:day returns JSON the same statistics as above, but whthin a given day.
- Run the follow SQL or run the SQL file from ./init.sql to create user and report table
create table users (
id serial not null constraint users_pkey primary key,
email varchar(320) not null,
password char(60) not null
alter table
users owner to web;
create unique index users_lower_idx on users (lower(email :: text));
create table report (
id serial not null constraint report_pk primary key,
user_id integer constraint report_user_id_fkey references users,
type integer not null,
add_date date,
sleep_time integer,
sleep_quality integer,
sport_exercise_time integer,
study_time integer,
eat_regularity_quality integer,
mood integer
alter table
report owner to web;
create index report_user_id_index on report (user_id);
create index report_type_index on report (type);
create table users
id serial not null
constraint users_pkey
primary key,
email varchar(320) not null,
password char(60) not null
alter table users
owner to web;
create unique index users_lower_idx
on users (lower(email::text));
create table report
id serial not null
constraint report_pk
primary key,
user_id integer
constraint report_user_id_fkey
references users,
type integer not null,
add_date date,
sleep_time integer,
sleep_quality integer,
sport_exercise_time integer,
study_time integer,
eat_regularity_quality integer,
mood integer
alter table report
owner to web;
create index report_user_id_index
on report (user_id);
create index report_type_index
on report (type);
2. Add database credentials
2.1 create configuration object in ./config/config.js, add your own database credentials
config.database = {
hostname: "",
database: "",
user: "",
password: "",
port: "",
2.2 or set an environment variable DATABASE_URL, run this command in terminal. The configuration will be fed in automatically.
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://<user>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database>
2.3 run the application. run this command in directory containing app.js, then the application can be access through http://localhost:7777/
deno run --allow-net --unstable --allow-read --allow-env --allow-write app.js
- To run test, enter the directory of app.js and run the following command in terminal
deno test --allow-all --unstable