
Scraps movie show times from Star Cineplex website and pushes them to a CloudFireStore Database.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Web scraping and selenium vodoo magic.

Scraps movie show times from Star Cineplex website and pushes them to a CloudFireStore Database.


Make sure to have JDK 11 and Firefox/Chrome installed on your machine. Also check if the star cineplex website is up or not. That's one horrendous website I must say. After these, follow along :

Init Database

I've used Firebase CloudFireStore here. Why? Because updates should be realtime.

  • Create a firebase account.
  • Create a project.
  • Then download your service account credentials from your project settings.
  • Create a directory named db_secret inside src/main/resources and copy the credentials json file there.
  • Rename the file to db.json.

Now to building!

The hard way

  • Install gradle
  • Clone the repo
  • cd into the directory
  • Run the following into your command line.
./gradlew clean fatJar

# or, run the script

sudo chmod +x run.sh

The easy way

Use an IDE. Intellij IDEA preferable.

Screenshot from Database


Known Issues

Star cineplex website can get unresponsive at times and that'll make your web driver spit up a lot of stackTrace. Simply try again.
