
Minecraft Pearl Statis Bot written in Rust using Azalea

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Downloads


My personal Minecraft bot written in Rust built with Azalea.
Primarily designed to be a pearl bot, allowing for quick travel to different locations with multiple accounts.
Also featuring a Discord bot, an HTTP API for local integrations, and support for No Chat Reports encryption.

How to use

Choose your preferred Installation Method below, then run the bot once to create files.
Open the global-settings.toml file and change the server_address to your desired server.
Rename the ExampleBot*.toml in local-settings to your desired accounts Minecraft Username,
Then open the local settings file and change the auth_mode to online.

You can check the global and local source files for documentation.


You can optionally use ZenithProxy between my bot and your desired server,
This can be useful if you want to keep your place in queue with non-priority accounts.
Add server_address = " PORT HERE" to the top of your local settings file.
Note: This is intended for proxies only, do not use it to connect accounts to different servers.

Verbose Output

To enable debug logging you must set the environment variable:
RUST_LOG=shaysbot=debug,info (error, warn, info, debug, trace)
The first is the log level of the bot, the second is of dependencies.

Installation Methods

Binaries: Latest | Releases

Compiled with GitHub Actions using the Debug profile.

Install or Develop Locally


  • 2GIB of RAM/SWAP
  • LLVM (Clang/LLD)
    • Windows: winget install -e --id LLVM.LLVM or Visual Studio
    • ArchLinux: sudo pacman -S base-devel clang lld
    • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install build-essential clang lld
    • Other: Ask Google, ChatGPT, or Deepseek
  • Rust (Cargo/Rustup)
    • Windows: winget install -e --id Rustlang.Rustup
    • ArchLinux: sudo pacman -S rustup
    • Debian 13+: sudo apt install rustup
    • Ubuntu 24.04+: sudo apt/snap install rustup
    • Other: Rustup


  • No space left on device - Your /tmp directory is too small or full
    • sudo mount -o remount,size=1G /tmp && rm -rf /tmp/cargo-install*

Install (Recommended) - Compiled Locally

  1. rustup toolchain install nightly
  2. cargo +nightly install --git https://github.com/ShayBox/ShaysBot
  3. mkdir pearl-bot
  4. shaysbot

Build (Development) - You should know Rust!

  1. git clone git@github.com:ShayBox/ShaysBot.git
  2. cd ShaysBot
  3. Run: cargo run
  4. Build: cargo build (target/debug/shaysbot)
  5. Install: cargo install --path . (shaysbot)

Cargo Profiles

Run and Build use Debug while Install uses Release.
You can manually override with either: --debug or --release

Debug includes debug symbols which makes it easier to debug and decompile.
Release has more optimizations, runs faster, and uses less disk space.

Debug: Settings are relative to the binary executable directory.
Release: Settings are relative to the current working directory.



  • Join - Enable AutoReconnect for a bot.
  • Leave - Disable AutoReconnect and disconnect a bot.
  • Pearl - Automatically pull pearls remotely.
  • Playtime - View players play time. (2b2t.vc)
  • Seen - View players first and last seen. (2b2t.vc)
  • Whitelist - Whitelist Players and link their Discord.


  • AntiAfk - Automatically swing arm to prevent being kicked.
  • AutoEat - Automatically swap and eat food to avoid starving.
  • AutoKill - Automatically swap and kill nearby monsters.
  • AutoLeave - Automatically leave the server when in danger.
  • AutoLook - Automatically look at the closest player.
  • AutoPearl - Automatically goto and pull player pearls.
  • AutoTotem - Automatically equip totems of undying.
  • DiscordLogger - Log various events to Discord.

