
Primary LanguagePython

Networkpy Course

Welcome to the networkpy Python Course!

This repository contains my progress and project for the course on network programming using Python's socket library. In this course, I learned how to build TCP and UDP servers and clients, and I applied these concepts to create a terminal-based trivia game.


The course wae project oriented, you can find the project in the Project folder. The project is a terminal-based trivia game that uses network programming concepts to fetch trivia questions from an external API. The game also uses file I/O to save and retrieve game data, simulating a database.

Course Package

The course package can be found at Course Package Link. This package includes all the necessary materials, lessons, and instructions to learn about network programming with Python.

What You Will Learn

Throughout this course, I gained the following skills and knowledge:

  • Understanding of Sockets: Learned the fundamentals of sockets for network communication.
  • TCP and UDP: Built both TCP and UDP servers and clients.
  • Project Development: Developed a terminal-based trivia game using network programming concepts.
  • File Handling: Incorporated file I/O to save and retrieve game data, simulating a database.
  • API Integration: Utilized external APIs to fetch trivia questions, enhancing the game's content.
  • Version Control: Managed project progress and versioning using Git.

Link to the course

Link to the course found on the campus il website: Link