Graph Class and Algorithms

This project comprises a robust Graph class and an assortment of advanced graph algorithms. It's developed in C++ and supports both directed and undirected graphs, accommodating weighted and unweighted edges seamlessly.

Graph Class


The Graph module manages graphs represented by adjacency matrices. It facilitates a range of operations including graph loading, graph representation display, and manipulation of graph properties.


  • loadGraph(vector<vector> graph): Loads a graph, verifying its square matrix nature and assessing its directedness.
  • printGraph(): Renders the adjacency matrix of the graph as a string.
  • getNumberOfEdges(): Retrieves the count of edges, accounting for graph directionality.
  • getNumberOfVertices(): Obtains the vertex count, equivalent to the adjacency matrix's dimension.
  • haveNegativeWeight(): Determines if any edges possess negative weights.
  • getNeighbors(size_t vertex): Lists vertices directly connected to a specified vertex via an edge.
  • isDirected(): Indicates whether the graph is directed.
  • getWeight(size_t src, size_t dest): Fetches the weight of the edge connecting specified vertices.
  • setDirect(bool directed): Adjusts the graph's directedness, ensuring adjacency matrix symmetry for undirected graphs.

Operator Overloading

  • operator+( Graph &g1, Graph &g2): Combines the weights of corresponding edges from two graphs.
  • operator+=( Graph &g): Adds the weights of corresponding edges from another graph to the current graph.
  • operator-( Graph &g1, Graph &g2): Subtracts the weights of corresponding edges from one graph to another.
  • operator-=( Graph &g): Deducts the weights of corresponding edges from the current graph.
  • operator *(int scalar): Scales the weights of the graph by a scalar.
  • operator/(int scalar): Divides the weights of the graph by a scalar.
  • operator=(int scalar)*: Multiplies the weights of the graph by a scalar.
  • operator/=(int scalar): Divides the weights of the graph by a scalar.
  • operator>( Graph &g1, Graph &g2): Compares two graphs based on edge or vertex count.
  • operator>=( Graph &g1, Graph &g2): Compares two graphs based on edge or vertex count.
  • operator<( Graph &g1, Graph &g2): Compares two graphs based on edge or vertex count.
  • operator<=( Graph &g1, Graph &g2): Compares two graphs based on edge or vertex count.
  • operator==( Graph &g1, Graph &g2): Checks if two graphs are identical.
  • operator!=( Graph &g1, Graph &g2): Checks if two graphs are distinct.
  • operator++(): Prefix increment operator to increase all edge weights by 1.
  • operator++(int): Postfix increment operator to increase all edge weights by 1.
  • operator--(): Prefix decrement operator to decrease all edge weights by 1.
  • operator--(int): Postfix decrement operator to decrease all edge weights by 1.
  • operator *( Graph &g): Multiplies the adjacency matrices of two graphs.
  • operator<<(ostream &out, Graph &g): Outputs the adjacency matrix of the graph to an output stream.

Graph Algorithms Library


Connectivity Functions

  • isConnected(Graph graph): Determines graph connectivity, leveraging DFS for undirected graphs and adapting for directed graphs.

Bipartiteness Check

  • isBipartite(Graph &graph): Utilizes BFS to ascertain graph bipartiteness, identifying vertex sets for each color.

Shortest Path Algorithms

  • shortestPath(Graph graph, size_t src, size_t dest): Computes shortest paths using various algorithms tailored to different graph characteristics.

Cycle Detection

  • isContainsCycle(Graph &graph): Employs DFS to detect graph cycles, potentially returning the cycle path if found.

Negative Cycle Detection

  • negativeCycle(Graph graph): Implements a modified Bellman-Ford algorithm to identify negative weight cycles.

For the detailed explanation of each function and its usage, refer to the inline documentation within the source files.


For a detailed explanation of operator overloading and its applications, consult the inline documentation provided within the source files.

Printing by << Operator

For printing the graph's adjacency matrix, utilize the provided operator<< function with an appropriate output stream.

friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Graph &g);