Atom Material Icons Plugin for JetBrains
Atom Material File Icons
This plugin is a port of the Atom File Icons for Atom and the icons of the Material Theme UI plugin.
Chrome Extension
- Replaces file icons with their relevant logo icons
- According to their extension (Java, PHP, Ruby...)
- According to the framework (Android, NPM, RSpec...)
- According to the program used with (Babel, Docker, CircleCI...)
- Replaces directories:
- With a common pattern: src, main, app, img, docs...
- With a specific pattern: node_modules, .vscode, .git...
- Replaces the PSI (Program Structure Interface) icons:
- Classes, Interfaces, Enums, Abstract...
- Methods, Lambdas, Inherits, Overrides...
- Replaces the UI Icons:
- Toolbar icons (actions)
- Gutter icons (debugger)
- Node icons (folders)...
- Monochrome filter: Set a monochrome filter to the whole UI
- Ability to select the color
- Arrows Style: Customize the look of the arrows in Tree components
- Material: Chevron-like arrows
- Darcula: Regular triangle arrows
- Plus-Minus: Plus and Minus signs
- Arrows: Simple Arrows
- None: No arrows
- Hollow Folders: Add custom decorations on folders contianing opened files
- Accent Color: Change the color of specific icons
- Closing tab button
- Highlighted arrows
- Loading indicator...
- Customizability: Custom Settings
- Settings Pages
- Toolbar Action Buttons
- Custom File and Directory associations (NEW): Customize your own associations
- File associations by Regex
- Folder associations
- Preview default icons
File Icons
Folder Icons
Special credits to:
- The Material Theme UI plugin for the implementation
- Atom File Icons and Sublime Text A File Icon for the idea
- Scientifics Study Vectors for the plugin icon
- File-Icons
- FontAwesome 4.7.0
- MFixx
- Devicons
- Octicons
- Material Design Icons