Swift Todo Application

HW3 Mobile Programming 99-2 SUT

Shayan Talaei 98109548

Shayan Mohammadi 98106026

This application was written and tested in OnlineGBD.

The Main menu in the program provides a list of commands which fulfill the requested features as they are explained below:

  • create todo: This command creates a new todo object. It asks you to enter name, content and priority for your todo.

  • show all todos: It shows all the todos which are created with the "create todo" command.

  • edit todo: Provides the ability to edit the name, content or priority of a certain todo.

  • delete todo: Lets you choose a todo from the "all todos" list and delete it.

  • sort list: It sorts the "all todos" list by your desired order (title, priority, or date) and in your desired direction (ascending or descending).

  • create category: This command gets a unique name as an input and creates a category with the given name.

  • show all categories: It shows a list of all category names as an output.

  • show category: After showing a list of all categories, this command lets you choose a category to see all the todos inside this category. (Categories, in contrast to todos, are chosen by their unique name.)

  • add todo to category: This command shows the list of "all todos" and "all categories", then you can choose a todo and then a category to put your chosen todo in.

  • help: Shows the main menu's command list. Use this where ever you are stuck :)

  • exit: Terminates the program!