
Project to stream real-time orders and apply some ETL pipelines & analytics using DataBricks, Kafka, AWS

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Project to stream real-time orders and apply some ETL pipelines & analytics using DataBricks, AWS

Documentation Diagram :

High Level Diagram Tec:

High-Level Diagram

Data Flow :

Data Flow Diagram

More details to be included later...

Milestones :

  • Stream orders from Kafka: Simulate a real-time stream of orders from an e-commerce platform. (Kafka Confluent) ✅

    • Kafka Setup in confluent. KafkaTopic
    • Producer simulation in src/simulator.py
  • Streaming ingesting & processing : Create spark jobs to read from our kafka stream, apply etl pipelines and write our data into a delta lake (Databricks workflows + AWS S3) ✅

    • Streaming : 🚀 Streamingflow
    • Processing : 🛠️ Processingflow
  • Analytics Pipelines : the final step of any workflow triggered on new orders received need to apply some analysis tasks as mentionned bellow :✅

    • Develop a fraud detection rules that flags suspicious orders based on patterns such as high-value orders, frequent orders from the same customer, etc. 💡
    • Alerting: Set up alerts for flagged suspected clients using Databricks alerting systems (email only). 🚨
      • Done using Databricks SQL Alerts, the analyzer code will store results into a delta table, and via databricks platform we setup trigger based on that table. Fraud Rule
  • Vizualization : It's not the main objective of this project, but we'll create a quick dashboard included some analytical statistics using databricks dashboarding. 👀

  • Additional Challenges : as this is a learning project, I decided to add some challenging use-cases to simulate real-life problems as mentionned bellow : 🤓

    • Data Schema Evolution: Handle changes in the data schema over time, such as new fields being added to the order data, and changing types. 🔄

    • Data Schema Evolution: Ensure backward and forward compatibility in our streaming pipeline. 🔄

      • I've added a new field called "message" in my topic and changed the producer code to include it from one side, from the other side I had to enable the merge schema to allow schema evolution in my delta table, to allow backward compatibility I provided a default value to my new field.
    • Exactly-Once Processing: Implement exactly-once processing semantics to ensure that each order is processed exactly once, even in the case of failures. (Avoid dupplication)

    • Stateful Stream Processing: Use stateful transformations to keep track of state across events. For example, maintain a running total of orders per customer or product category.

      • Implemented two live counters in statefull_streaming.ipynb.
    • Scalability and Performance Optimization: Optimize your Spark streaming jobs for performance and scalability. This includes tuning Spark configurations, partitioning data effectively, and minimizing data shuffles.

      • Optimization done during the code, for example used of pre-built functions, broadcast functions...
      • Scalability: Added field dateOrder, and change the previous one to Datetime.
      • Uses of concept : bronze, silver, gold tables instead of saving it directly into s3 path.
    • Data Quality Monitoring: Implement real-time data quality checks and monitoring. Alert if data quality issues such as missing values, duplicates, or outliers are detected.

      • Implemented withing the statefull_streaming notebook.
    • Data Enrichment: Enrich your streaming data with additional context from external data sources. For example, enrich order data with customer demographics or product details from a database.

      • Implementation of Enums to generate additional informations + GEOPY to get localisation informations.
    • Real-Time Analytics and Reporting: Build real-time analytics and reporting dashboards using tools like Databricks SQL, Power BI, or Tableau. Visualize key metrics such as order volume, sales trends, and customer behavior.

      • DataBricks Dashboard based on Seaborn & PyPlot read from a real-time delta lake.