Multipage Website Project This project is a part of the Webutvecklare Program at Glimåkra Folkhögskola. The goal of this assignment is to create a multipage website using HTML with some basic CSS for styling. The website consists of 4 pages, each focusing on different topics as outlined below:

Project Overview Home Page: The homepage introduces the website and provides navigation to the other pages.

First Page (About Myself and Family): This page contains information about me and my family, with some basic personal details.

Second Page (About My City): This page gives an overview of my city, including key points of interest and notable facts.

Third Page (Festival): This page discusses a festival or event that is important in my culture or city, highlighting the traditions and significance.

Fourth Page (Gallery): This page serves as a media gallery and contains different types of media such as:

MP3 audio files MP4 video files Images of various formats