
Create and edit .m3u files via UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

IPTV Playlist Constructor


About project

IPTVPLC (IPTV Playlist Constructor) allows you to create and edit .m3u and .m3u8 files using comfortable user interface.


This project became a winner in the 6th season of the all-Ukrainian contest "iTalent" in "WEB Application" nomination.

iTalent logo iTalent logo

Me with diploma and prizes just after rewarding Me with diploma and prizes just after rewarding


Preparing .env file for development

Create a copy of .env.example file which is located in environments folder and rename it to .env.development.

Set the NODE_ENV variable to development. The other variables might ask you for API keys, database and email data.

Preparing .env file for production

Do the same instructions as were described in Preparing .env file for development section, but set the NODE_ENV variable to production.

Installing dependencies

For installing the required dependencies run in terminal npm install.

Starting project

To start the project run npm run dev.

Code style checking

To check the code style run npm run lint. This command is also running for npm run build command.

npm run lint:fix is doing the same things as npm run lint but it's doing fixes in the code style errors (if possible).

Building a production build

To build a production version of project type npm run build in the terminal.

Before building, the system will run npm run lint to check the code style.

Output files will be created in the dist folder.


What is happening with this project now?

Currently, this project is finished and I don't see it necessary to continue to develop it. That's why I published this project to Github.