
Serve files from any directory on localhost via https

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • To create local file server for development purpose
  • (Python3 or higher version is manadatory to run this script)

Windows System :

  1. Install Git for Windows to run this python script on GitBash :
    Link to Download https://git-scm.com/download/win
  2. Open GitBash from Start Menu and Clone this repository :
    git clone https://github.com/VaradLanke/https-file-server-python.git
  3. Goto https-file-server-python directory :
    cd https-file-server-python
  4. Run the python script :
    python fileServer.py
NOTE : you will see the script is stuck at "writing new private key to '....\https-file-server-python/key.pem'" ;
this means the server is successfully started you can visit your browser and open the corrosponding address e.g. https://localhost:8000

Linux/Unix System :

  1. Open terminal and Clone this repository :
    git clone https://github.com/VaradLanke/https-file-server-python.git
  2. Goto https-file-server-python directory :
    cd https-file-server-python
  3. Run the python script :
    python fileServer.py

NOTE : To serve files from desired Directory, goto that directory and run the script from that directory ;
e.g. to run the script from "C:/"...goto C: and run the script by giving whole path of script

Hope this script is helpful for you :-)