
LLDB Front-End for Visual Studio Code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CodeLLDB: a LLDB front end for Visual Studio Code

View this readme on GitHub (working hyperlinks!)


  • Supports Linux, macOS and Windows.
  • Launch processes with configurable stdio redirection.
  • Attach to processes by pid or by name.
  • Scripted custom launch for ultimate flexibility.
  • Function, conditional and regex breakpoints.
  • Disassembly View.
  • LLDB commands and expression evaluation in Debug Console.
  • Configurable result formatting.
  • Display of HTML content.
  • Rust language support.

Please see the Manual for details.



  • Visual Studio Code 1.9.0.
  • LLDB with Python scripting support on system PATH. (Installing LLDB)


Here's a minimal configuration to get you started:

    "name": "Launch",
    "type": "lldb",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": "${workspaceRoot}/<my program>",
    "args": ["-arg1", "-arg2"],

See also: Debugging in VS Code.

Installing LLDB


On Debian-derived distros (e.g. Ubuntu), run sudo apt-get install python-lldb-x.y, where x.y is the LLDB version.
See this page for installing nightlies.

Note: Some distros install LLDB with a versioned name, e.g. lldb-4.0. In this case you will need to configure LLDB executable name via Workspace Configuration.


  • Download and install XCode.
  • Install XCode Command Line Tools by running xcode-select --install


  • Download and install LLVM for Windows.
  • Download and install Python 3.5.x. If you've installed a 64-bit LLVM, you will need a 64-bit Python as well.
  • Make sure that both LLDB and Python install directories are on the PATH.

Be sure to read the Fine Manual!

Please see the troubleshooting page should you have issues with getting the debugger to start.